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IB Theatre - Collaborative Project (first assessment 2024): Third Angel Online Archive

This guide provides resources for the Collaborative Project external assessment task for IB Theatre (first assessment 2024).

Third Angel Online Archive

600 PEOPLE - full show

(1:10:10) “We step out of our solar system, into the universe, seeking only peace and friendship… So says the message from the human race on the Voyager spacecraft. But is there, y’know, anyone out there? I really wanted to know, so I went to speak to an astrophysicist to find out.

"This is what I found out: Stellar Wobble. The Mirror Test. The Drake Equation. Fermi’s Paradox. Enhanced humans and murderous dolphins."

Somewhere between stand-up comedy and an astrophysics lecture, Third Angel brings you a simple show about huge ideas: the story of how a three-hour conversation with an astrophysicist changed the way Alex understands the way the Universe works.

600 People explores how we think about evolution and intelligence, belief and invention, communication and space travel. A show that explores the stories we tell in order to understand our place in the cosmos. A show that asks if there are extra terrestrials in our galaxy. A show that asks what it means to be human.

Performed at Alphabetti Theatre, Newcastle - 6th August 2021

The Life & Loves of a Nobody - full show

(1:06:03)  Rachel always wanted to be a star.

Rachel wanted to run away with the circus.

And have her name in lights. And escape from this house.

And she dreamed of the future. Life is a juggling act.

Love is a high-wire. Try to do both at once and its a long way down. But even if the act goes wrong, you can still be famous for the fall.

Filmed at Hartlepool Town Hall Theatre, 4th June 2015

What I Heard About The World trailer

(1:23) February 20, 2012 - A tantalizing preview of Third Angel's current touring theatre piece.

Trailer by Lauren Stanley. Performers: Jorge Andrade, Alexander Kelly & Chris Thorpe.

Edinburgh Showcase 2013: 'What I Heard About The World' by Third Angel & Mala Voadora

(5:07) What I Heard About The World is a thought-provoking and entertaining attempt to describe a world that seems to get bigger by the day. Sharing seemingly extraordinary (but true) stories about places where you can buy a cure for loneliness on CD, rent strangers to cry at your funeral, listen to a radio station that broadcasts silence and visit real mountains covered in fake snow, the show investigates the whole question of 'storytelling'.

HANG UP - Trailer

(2:46) Four classic telephone boxes house a multitude of characters, stories, arguments and lies as four performers struggle to make contact, to talk to someone, leave a message or just find the right change. Hang Up presents a world in which all communication is long-distance or cheap rate.

A theatre piece set entirely in 4 classic K6 public phone boxes. Each phone box was equipped with two miniature security cameras linked to an overhead video projector and screen, and mics in the phones themselves. Created 1999. Toured through to 2000.

HANG UP full show

(52:07) Four classic telephone boxes house a multitude of characters, stories, arguments and lies as four performers struggle to make contact, to talk to someone, leave a message or just find the right change. "Hang Up" presents a world in which all communication is long-distance or cheap rate.

Created 1999. .Toured through to 2000.


(1:17:50) This video includes the show 'set up', which was open to the audience; the performance begins at 33 minutes in.

We’re going on a journey

We’re performing a ritual

We want to live in a big here, and a long now

We want to let things take the time that they take

We are beginning to understand that we can’t do that alone

PRESUMPTION - full show (2015)

(1:14:08) Beth and Tom, the generic thirtysomething couple of our time. They play out the same situations over and over again. Questions asked, answers not listened to.

Presumption is a show about love. Not romantic, thrill of passion love, not unconditional, unquestioned love. Everyday what shall we have for dinner, will you be in later, expecting to go on living together - well what else would we do? - love.

A table, six chairs. Precariously carried, precisely placed. Start the scene: after the dinner party, guests have gone. Stop. More furniture required. Start again. From the top.

PRESUMPTION performed in Sheffield Theatres' Studio, October 2015, to mark Third Angel's 20th anniversary.


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