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IB Theatre - Collaborative Project (first assessment 2024): Reckless Sleepers

This guide provides resources for the Collaborative Project external assessment task for IB Theatre (first assessment 2024).

Reckless Sleepers

Schrödinger (production) - Digital Theatre+

Schrödinger (Production) - Digital Theatre+

Reckless Sleepers: An Interview with Mole Wetherell - Digital Theatre+

Reckless Sleepers: An Interview with Mole Wetherell - Digital Theatre+

Negative Space (production) - Digital Theatre+

Negative Space (Production) - Digital Theatre+

Reckless Sleepers: A String Section – Trailer

(9:40) Five women, each with a handsaw and a chair engage in a slow dance with destruction. Elegance and sophistication give way to absurdity as the pull of gravity takes over. Driven to complete their uncompromising task, the five women struggle against, or give in to the inevitable, each in their own style: determination and dignity locked in a fight to the death.

Edinburgh Showcase 2015: 'A String Section' by Reckless Sleepers

(4:21) Anglo-Belgian company Reckless Sleepers creates original theatre pieces, installation projects and interventions for theatres, galleries, museums, and site-specific projects. Collaborating with a company of artists specialising in different art-forms, Reckless Sleepers produces works that are installed rather than presented and that embrace mistakes.

'A String Section' brings together choreographer Leen Dewilde and Scottish Chamber Orchestra cellist Su-a Lee to create a literal account of the show’s title. Five women attempt to saw the legs off their chairs, struggling against or giving into the inevitable, each in their own style, wavering between farcical brinkmanship and a process of unrelenting destruction.

Negative Space Trailer | Reckless Sleepers | Digital Theatre+

(0:53) Trailer video for Digital Theatre+ production video of Reckless Sleepers' Negative Space, captured at the New Adelphi Theatre, University of Salford.


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