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IB Theatre - Collaborative Project (first assessment 2024): Assessment Criteria

This guide provides resources for the Collaborative Project external assessment task for IB Theatre (first assessment 2024).
Excerpt from: IB Theatre Guide (First assessment 2024), External assessment task—SL and HL: Collaborative project, External Assessment Criteria - SL and HL, pp. 59-61.

Criterion A - The Collaborative Creative Process and Performance

Evidence: cover sheet, project report, list of sources - 8 marks

Criterion Ai:

  • With reference to significant instances from the process, to what extent does the student explain how they consider the piece was collaboratively created by the ensemble?

Criterion Aii:

  • With reference to audience feedback, to what extent does the student evaluate the effectiveness of the final piece as a whole, in relation to how they consider the ensemble’s intentions were achieved?

Criterion B - Individual Contributions to the Performance

Evidence: cover sheet, project report, list of sources - 8 marks

Criterion Bi:

  • To what extent does the student explain how they used their performance skills (body and/or voice) to effectively contribute to one moment of tension, emotion, atmosphere and/or meaning (“TEAM”) visible in the video recording? [This moment must not exceed 2 minutes maximum and the time codes must be stated on the cover sheet.]

Criterion Bii:

  • To what extent does the student explain how their specific individual artistic contribution(s) to the development and staging of the piece as creator, designer and/or director effectively contributed to the fulfillment of the ensemble’s intentions in one moment seen in the video recording? [This moment must be a different moment in the piece from the one described above and must not exceed 2 minutes maximum. The time codes must be stated on the cover sheet.]

Criterion C - Effectiveness of Individual Contributions Seen in the Video Recording

Evidence: cover sheet and video recording - 8 marks

Criterion Ci:

  • To what extent do the student’s performance skills (body and/or voice) effectively contribute to a moment of tension, emotion, atmosphere and/or meaning (“TEAM”) seen in the video recording (as specified by the student in section 2(a) of the project report)?

Criterion Cii:

  • To what extent do the student’s own individual contributions to the artistic development and/or staging of the piece as creator, designer and/or director (as specified by the student in section 2(b) of the project report) effectively contribute to the fulfillment of the ensemble’s intentions within the context of the whole video recording?


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