What is the Workspace?
When you save anything to JSTOR, including your Artstor Image Groups, they will be placed in your Workspace, a space within JSTOR where you can keep and organize content.
You can choose to view folders and items in your Workspace in List View, where the content is shown in a list of folders and items, or in Gallery View, where folders and items are presented in a grid format. The video below shows the Workspace in Gallery View.
A Tour of the JSTOR Workspace (2 minutes)
When you save anything to JSTOR. This is a free space in which to keep, organize, and share content you find on JSTOR.
You can choose to view folders and items in your Workspace in List View, where the content is shown in a list of folders and items, or in Gallery View, where folders and items are presented in a grid format.
See: Workspace: Viewing and Organizing your Research – JSTOR Support