Barrie's presentation on the Staff Summer Read for 2016, covering the ways topics presented in the book relate to core values of the Northwest Association of Independent Schools (NWAIS) on diversity and free and open inquiry.
Barrie Hillman's presentation on the rationale for homework, different forms it can take, and suggestions for using it for the best possible teaching and learning. Given at Teacher In-Service on August 26, 2016.
Presentation by Barrie Hillman and Liz McNeil on teaching, and relating to, WSA's international students both in and outside of the classroom. Given at Teacher In-Service on August 26, 2016.
Project Implicit
Take an IAT (Implicit Association Test) at Project Implicit.Learn about hidden biases and implicit social cognition - thoughts and feelings outside of conscious awareness and control.
An explanation of researchers' requests for visitors to the Project Implicit site - people doing an IAT (Implicit Attitude Test) are asked to report attitudes and beliefs about the topics being tested and general information about themselves.
Visitors can test their implicit associations on social attitudes (including race, gender, and sexual orientation), mental health (including self-esteem, anxiety, and alcohol), and U.S. presidential candidates.