"The decent docent doesn't doze;
He teaches standing on his toes.
His student dasn't doze and does,
And that's what teaching is and was."
M. L. Rosenthal (1917-1996), What Cheer, [edited by David McCord], published in Poetry Magazine, May, 1946.
On this page:
Books and eBooks
By Any Media Necessary
Diversity in Books
Technology Tools
Videos (Introductions to Jane Austen and Virginia Woolf)
Using a wealth of authentic evidence from contemporary culture and social media, By Any Media Necessary: Mapping Youth and Participatory Politics examines how newly available channels foster civic imagination and political change. Together, the book companion*, curricular activities, resource toolkit, links to research, artifacts, and media library–that includes original media produced by activist groups–comprise a total online experience exploring new forms of political activities and identities that have emerged from the practices of participatory culture and are impacting how American youth think of their civic identities.
An animated introduction to Jane Austen, from the School of Life. Jane Austen’s novels are so readable in part because she wasn’t an ordinary kind of novelist: she wanted her work to help us to be better and wiser people. Her novels had a philosophy of personal development at their heart.
An animated introduction to Virginia Woolf, from the School of Life. In her novels and essays, Virginia Woolf captured the intimate moments of the 20th century like no one else. She opens our eyes to the neglected value of daily experiences.
TeachingBooks.net provides original, in-studio movies of authors and illustrators, and a wealth of multimedia resources on K–12 books to support reading and library activities for all grades and content areas.