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10th Grade Extended Research Project (ERP): 8 - Decent Work & Economic Growth

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are matched with related literary texts, both fiction and nonfiction, for 10th graders to use for their literary analysis project for the ERP.

Goal 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth

Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs.

A Good Provider is One Who Leaves: One Family and Migration in the 21st Century, by Jason DeParle

Nickel and Dimed, by Barbara Ehrenreich

The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America's Shining Women, by Kate Moore

Wobblies! A Graphic History of the Industrial Workers of the World Edited by Paul Buhle and Nicole Schulman

Graphic Nonfiction

In the Pond, by Ha Jin


In Real Life, by Cory Doctorow; Illustrations by Jen Wang

Graphic Novel

Threads: From the Refugee Crisis, by Kate Evans

Graphic Nonfiction


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