This year has been stressful in different ways for different people. We want to support your summer reading so that it is enjoyable and relaxing yet we want you to benefit from reading as well. Research shows that having the time to read and choice of book is key to students enjoying reading.
The Objective
The main objective in the WSA Summer Reading Assignment is to see students go beyond efferent reading (efferent reading is when we read a text to learn something valuable to them and retain information that can be useful for future use or recall) and move toward aesthetic reading (aesthetic reading is when we read a text for entertainment purposes. An aesthetic reader uses literature to experience the thoughts, feelings and emotions within a poem or narrative to evoke a "response" within oneself).
Rising 9th, 10th and 11th Grade students will read two books this summer from different genres. These book choices can be from the recommended titles in this guide: fiction and nonfiction, different genres and formats. Or pick your own books!
See the box below for instructions for the summer reading assignments (Flipgrid video or letter to your English teacher).* Also look below for specific instructions on the letter to teacher option. If you want, you can download a list of the recommended reads. Questions? Email Ms. Nordleaf
*Summer reading is optional for rising 12th-grade students.
Click the links below to go to the different genres of books in this year's list!
Students will be asked to complete summer reading formative assessment pieces by Monday, August 30, 2021:
You can choose either:
Plan Ahead! If you have no idea what to read or where to begin then email Ms. Nordleaf or Susan Trower and they will help you find the right book!
If you choose the letter option for your summer reading assessment piece, please follow these guidelines.
For EACH BOOK you read you will write a letter to your English Teacher at WSA. You will find out who your English teacher is by the end of July. This letter is a great way to introduce yourself and talk about the books you read over the summer.
In your letters for each book, you will explain: