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Resources for Exploring Race, Racism, and Racial Identity: Educator Resources

Websites, articles, videos, booklists and more for parents and teachers on topics related to race and equity.

Q&A: How To Talk To Kids About Black Lives And Police Violence

Not Light, But Fire: How to Lead Meaningful Race Conversations in the Classroom, by Matthew R. Kay

Matthew R. Kay:  Slowing down
Matthew R. Kay: Safe Spaces
Matthew R. Kay: Pop-up conversations

Native Knowledge 360 ̊ - National Museum of the American Indian

Why Classroom Conversations About Diversity and Identity Shouldn't Be Framed as 'Difficult'-

Project Ready: Allies and Antiracism

Project Ready

Project Ready is a free online professional development curriculum developed by University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill’s School of Information and Library Science.  These modules are for those interested in improving knowledge about race and racism, equity, and culturally sustaining pedagogy. The focus of the curriculum is on improving relationships with and resources for youth of color and Native youth.

Module 14: Allies & Antiracism of this curriculum defines the term “ally”, describe the characteristics of allyship, distinguishes between non-racist and anti-racist, and describes ways to engage in anti-racist work. Allies can work to actually actively fight racism when they hear it, see it, and they can acknowledge it. 

Justice in June - Resources for Learning How to be an Ally to the Black Community

Anti-Racism Graphic Novels Reading & Resources List


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