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IB Theatre - Production Proposal (first assessment 2024): Task Roadmap & Assessment Criteria

This guide provides resources for the Production Proposal internal assessment task for IB Theatre (first assessment 2024).

Production Proposal Roadmap - West Sound Academy IB Theatre

IB Resources - Assessment Criteria, Key Terminology, and Handouts

IB handouts to use with the Production Proposal task

Criterion A - Ideas and Intentions

Criterion Ai evaluates:

  • Your understanding of the play and of the ideas it deals with
  • Whether you are able to provide a detailed explanation of each of the key ideas and how the playwright is dealing with these ideas
  • Whether you are able to offer a justification and evidence from the play to prove this.

Criterion Aii evaluates:

  • Your interpretation of the key ideas of the play
  • Your decisions about how you will stage your interpretation and the effect you want this to have on your audience
  • Your chosen performance space
  • Your chosen performance style
  • Your decisions about how you will use performance and production elements to stage your interpretation

Criterion B - The Proposed Design

Criterion Bi evaluates:

  • Whether you refer closely to your theatre-maker intentions as explained in criteria A.
  • Your explanation of how production elements will be used to meet your stated theatre-maker-intention
  • Your explanation of how you will use production elements to turn your intentions into action
  • Your production design ideas - whether they are presented through visuals that are clear, neat and have been carefully put together

NOTE - you do not have to be an incredible artist to present your visual design ideas. You can use mood boards for costumes, set design, and lights. You can include links for sound effects. You have to use your imagination and then make your thinking visible to the examiner.

Criterion C - The Proposed Staging of One Moment of the Play

Criteria Ci and Cii evaluate:

  • Whether you provide an explanation of why the particular moment you have selected is a moment of "TEAM" - it is best to choose a moment that is no more than one or two aspects of "TEAM", at most, otherwise you might not be providing enough detail.
  • Whether you can focus on the moment - although you might also refer to what happens just before and what happens just after, as this might also influence the audience's experience.
  • Whether you provide an explanation of your theatre-maker intentions for this particular moment. These might be different from your overall intentions for the whole play (for example, in a play about war, this moment might be a moment of peace and. you may want to create this as a contrast to the overall feel of the play)
  • Whether you offer an explanation of how you will use performance elements of "TEAM" in the text into an experience and how this affects the audience (an effect of tension/emotion/atmosphere and/or meaning) when it is staged.
  • Whether you offer an explanation of how you will use production elements of "TEAM" in the text into an experience and how this affects the audience (an effect of tension/emotion/atmosphere and /or meaning) when it is staged. You might also want to use visuals if these will help your explanations.


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