Why search here? EBSCO eBooks Academic Collection has academic eBooks on most academic subjects.
What's included? It contains thousands of eBook titles and features e-books from leading publishers and university presses. Coverage in eBook content is 1963 to the present.
How do I cite it? Click the ‘Cite’ button in the upper right, then select either MLA 9th Edition or Chicago 17th Edition (Notes & Bibliography) from the drop-down menu for Style. Click ‘Export Citation’, then click ‘Export to NoodleTools’. In the new window, check that the reference and project for it to be added to are correct, then click ‘Import’.
Why search here? Historical Abstracts provides information on world history (excluding the United States and Canada) from the 15th century to the present.
What's included? It includes hundreds of history journals and books, plus useful features such as the ability to search by time period.
How do I cite it? Click the ‘Cite’ button to the right, then click on either the MLA or Chicago citation. Click the ‘Cite’ button in the upper right, then select either MLA 9th Edition or Chicago 17th Edition (Notes & Bibliography) from the drop-down menu for Style. Click ‘Export Citation’, then click ‘Export to NoodleTools’. In the new window, check that the reference and project for it to be added to are correct, then click ‘Import’.
Why search here? JSTOR is a digital library of journals, academic ebooks, images, and primary sources in the humanities, social sciences and sciences. Use JSTOR to find historical information rather than current articles.
What's included? It includes thousands of full-text scholarly articles, some dating back to the 1800s, along with open-access eBooks and the entire Artstor image collection of over 2.5 million images. JSTOR also features audio content with searchable transcripts for spoken word content.
How do I cite it? Look for the Cite this item button on the left. Click the COPY button next to your preferred style, then the Export to NoodleTools link to import the citation directly to your open NoodleTools project. If you want to copy and paste the citation instead, be sure to take the "Remote Access URL" provided.
Why search here? Science (Gale in Context) provides information on hundreds of significant science topics.
What's included? It includes full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, experiments, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites.
How do I cite it? Look for the Export button on the right. Choose Direct Export to NoodleTools, and import the citation directly to your open NoodleTools project. If you choose to copy and paste it instead, be sure to grab the "Permalink" as well, and put that in the URL box underneath the quick cite box in NoodleTools.
The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
Why search here? The Taylor and Francis eBooks platform has open-access eBooks on most academic subjects.
What's included? Over 3,100 books with open-access content are available, either as full books or select chapters.
How do I cite it? Click the Click the 'Get Citation' link and copy the citation provided. All provided eBook citations are in American Psychological Association (APA) style, so will be slightly different than citations in Chicago or MLA style.
Images & Artwork
Government Information
Conference Papers
Primary Sources
Grammarly - Check for grammatical errors and plagiarism
NoodleTools - Log in to access tools for note-taking, outlining, and citations
♦ Library books checked out to students have a checkout period of three weeks, but can be renewed.
♦ Literature books checked out to students are due at the end of the Semester in which they are being used in class
♦ WSA textbooks that have been checked out to students are due at the end of Semester 2. before the start of June Term ♦ Online access:WSA students and staff can place holds and renewals online; log in to the Follett Destiny catalog using your school Google email address ♦ Contact the librarianto get help with using WSA's library resources.
♦ Overdues: No fines charged for overdue materials. ♦ Lost or damaged materials: Cost for lost or damaged materials is the list price of the item plus a $25.00 handling fee. ♦ Replacement option: Families can replace a missing book with a new copy, in the same format, of the book that's been checked out by their student; a $10.00 fee will be charged to cover the time and materials involved in library processing.