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Database Types: Alphabetical List

A guide to the types of resources you can find in WSA's databases, along with information on the ways these databases can be accessed both on and off campus.

Database Types

Card index box - Britannica ImageQuestThis guide lists the types of resources available in West Sound Academy Library databases, along with a description of each type. Each box also includes a list of WSA online resources having that specific type. Above the list of database types is a guide to ways to access these resources.

Definitions are from the Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science by Joan M. Reitz, presented by ABC-CLIO LLC. Icons made by Freepik from

Questions?  Email Susan Trower.

Guide to Accessing Databases

Email Susan Trower if you are having problems with accessing a database.


        Unlock, by Freepik, on Flaticon                    Login only required when off campus: Most of West Sound Academy's databases have IP authentication, meaning that no login is required when accessing them while on campus. Use the library ID or username and password provided by the librarian for remote access.

See below for databases that do not follow this model.



Padlock, by Freepik, on Flaticon.comLogin always required:  Some databases require users to always login with a username and password, both while working at WSA and when off campus.

Databases that always require users to login: Churchill Archive, Civil Rights and Social Justice, Digital Theatre Plus,  Gun Regulation and Legislation in America, LGBTQ+ Rights, Open Society Justice Initiative, Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture, & Law, The Seattle Times, Yabla French.


Open, by Freepik, on Flaticon.comNo login required (Open Access): Some databases or research portals do not require users to login and are freely available to the public.

Databases that do not require users to login: Black Freedom Struggle in the United States: A Selection of Primary Sources, Exploring Race in Society, Gallica, The JSTOR Understanding Series, Semantic Scholar, Taylor & Francis Open Access Books.  Note: The JSTOR Understanding Series provides free access to the literary works, but WSA students and staff will need to log in to JSTOR using their WSA email addresses in order to see the articles and eBook chapters linked to those works.


West Sound Academy mountain logoAccess only on campus: Some subscription databases only permit use by IP authentication, so they can only be used while on the West Sound Academy campus.

Databases that can only be used while on campus: AncestryK12, Fold3,



Google's 'G' logoLogin with Google: Some databases that require logging in with credentials have been set up with Google SSO (Single Sign On). West Sound Academy staff and students can login using their WSA Google email addresses.

Databases that use Google SSO: All of the Gale databases, Artstor on JSTOR, Digital Theatre Plus, EBSCO eBook Academic Collection, Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos, Global Plants, Historical Abstracts with Full Text, JSTOR, Learn360, Timelines, World Book Advanced, World Book Discover, World Book Students.


Article icon, made by Freepik, from Flatiron.comArticle:  A self-contained nonfiction prose composition on a fairly narrow topic or subject, written by one or more authors and published under a separate title in a collection or periodical containing other works of the same form. The length of a periodical article is often a clue to the type of publication--magazine articles are generally less than five pages long; scholarly journal articles, longer than five pages. Also, journal articles often include a brief abstract of the content.

Note: WSA databases provide only full-text articles. The exceptions are Historical Abstracts with Full Text and JSTOR.  With these databases, some articles will show an abstract and citation, but not the full text. For these, contact the librarian to see about obtaining the article through an Inter Library Loan (ILL).

Databases with articles:  All of the Gale databases, Churchill Archive, Civil Rights and Social Justice, Digital Theatre Plus, Exploring Race in Society, Gallica, Gun Regulation and Legislation in America, Historical Abstracts with Full Text, JSTOR, JSTOR Understanding Series, JSTOR Understanding Series: Shakespeare, LGBTQ+ Rights, Open Society Justice Initiative, Semantic Scholar, Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture, and Law, and The Seattle Times.


Headphones, by Freepik, from         Audio:  The audio downloads available on WSA databases are data files containing recorded sound.  These are available for users to listen to online, or download over the Internet for transmission to your computer. 

Databases with audio:  Churchill Archive, Digital Theatre Plus, Gale Health and Wellness, Gale in Context: College, Gale in Context: High School, Gale in Context: Middle School, Gale Power Search, Gallica, Learn 360, and Science (Gale in Context). 


cv, by Freepik, on Flatiron.comBiography: A carefully researched, relatively full narrative account of the life of a specific person or closely related group of people, written by another. The biographer selects the most interesting and important events with the intention of elucidating the character and personality of the biographee and placing the subject's life in social, cultural, and historical context. Biographical works in databases will vary in length, from relativity short summaries to longer, multi-page accounts.

Databases with biographies: Churchill Archive, Civil Rights and Social Justice, EBSCO eBook Academic Collection, Fine Arts (Gale OneFile), Gale eBooks, Gale in Context: College, Gale in Context: High School, Gale in Context: Middle School, Gale Literature, Gale Power Search, and Global Issues (Gale in Context), LGBTQ+ Rights, Popular Magazines (Gale OneFile), Religion and Philosophy (Gale OneFile), Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law, U.S. History (Gale OneFile), Vocations and Careers (Gale Onefile), War and Terrorism (Gale OneFile), the World Book Encyclopedias (Advanced, Discover, and Student), and World History (Gale OneFile) .

Conference Papers

Conference, by Freepik, on Flatiron.comConference Paper: An original paper presented by the author(s) at a formal gathering of peers, usually at the invitation of the group or organization sponsoring the conference, which may be subsequently published in its proceedings. In the sciences, ground-breaking research results are often publicly introduced in such presentations.

Databases with conference papers: Civil Rights and Social Justice, Global Issues (Gale in Context), Gun Regulation and Legislation in America, Historical Abstracts with Full Text, Open Society Justice Initiative, Pop Culture Studies (Gale OneFile), Psychology (Gale OneFile), Religion and Philosophy (Gale OneFile), Science (Gale OneFile), Semantic Scholar, Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law, U.S. History (Gale OneFile), Vocations and Careers (Gale OneFile), War and Terrorism (Gale OneFile), and World History (Gale OneFile).


Statistics, by Freepik, on Flaticon.comData: The plural of the Latin word datum, meaning "what is given," often used as a singular collective noun. Facts, figures, or instructions presented in a form that can be comprehended, interpreted, and communicated by a human being or processed by a computer. A data set (or dataset) is a logically meaningful collection or grouping of similar or related data, usually assembled as a matter of record or for research.

Databases with data: Business Insights: Global, Global Issues (Gale in Context), LGBTQ+ Rights, Psychology (Gale OneFile), Science (Gale in Context), Science (Gale OneFile), Semantic Scholar, U.S. History (Gale OneFile), Vocations and Careers (Gale OneFile), War and Terrorism (Gale OneFile), World History (Gale OneFile).


Dictionary, by Freepik, on Flaticon.comDictionary: A single-volume or multivolume reference work containing brief explanatory entries for terms and topics related to a specific subject or field of inquiry, usually arranged alphabetically. The entries in a dictionary are usually shorter than those contained in an encyclopedia on the same subject. A language dictionary lists the words of a language in alphabetical order, giving orthography, syllabication, pronunciation, etymology, definition, and standard usage. Databases offer online versions of various types of dictionaries.

Databases with dictionaries: Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos, World Book Advanced, World Book Student, and Yabla French.


Online Learning by Freepik on Flatiron.comeBook: A digital version of a traditional print book designed to be read on a personal computer or e-book reader.  WSA databases usually allow for downloading of sections or chapters of books, occasionally with publisher limits on the number of pages that can be saved in this way. Synonymous with digital book, electronic book, e-book, ebook, and online book.

Databases with eBooks:  Drama Online, EBSCO eBook Academic Collection, Gale eBooks, Gale Power Search, Historical Abstracts with Full Text, JSTOR, JSTOR Understanding Series, JSTOR Understanding Series: Shakespeare, LGBTQ+ Rights, Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law, Taylor & Francis Open Access Books, World Book Advanced, World Book Discover, World Book Students.


Encyclopedia, by Freepik, from Flaticon.comEncyclopedia:  A book or numbered set of books containing authoritative summary information about a variety of topics in the form of short essays, usually arranged alphabetically by headword or classified in some manner. An entry may be signed or unsigned, with or without illustration or a list of references for further reading. Headwords and text are usually revised periodically for publication in a new edition. In a multivolume encyclopedia, any indexes are usually located at the end of the last volume. Encyclopedias may be general (example: World Book Advanced) or specialized, usually by subject (Encyclopedia of Comic Books and Graphic Novels or Encyclopedia of Food and Culture, both in Gale eBooks) or discipline ( Gale Encyclopedia of Journalism, in EBSCO eBook Academic Collection).

Databases with encyclopedias:  EBSCO eBook Academic Collection, Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos, Gale eBooks, Gale Power Search, World Book Advanced, World Book Discover, World Book Student.

Government Information

Government, by Freepik, on Flaticon.comGovernment Information: Government documents are publications of the U.S. federal government, including transcripts of hearings and the text of bills, resolutions, statutes, reports, charters, treaties, periodicals (example: Monthly Labor Review), statistics (U.S. Census), etc. The category also includes publications of other governmental bodies (state, local, territorial, foreign).

Databases with government information: Ancestry K12, Black Freedom Struggle in the United States: A Selection of Primary Sources, Exploring Race in Society, Fold3, Gun Regulation and Legislation in America, LGBTQ+ Rights, Military and Intelligence (Gale OneFile), Open Society Justice Initiative, Psychology (Gale OneFile) and Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture, & Law.

Images and Artwork

Image, by Freepik, on Flaticon.comImage:  A visual impression of something real or imagined. An image is a two-dimensional visual representation large enough to be easily viewed without magnification, usually rendered in black and white or color on a flat, opaque surface. The term includes paintings, drawings, art prints, photographs, reproductions, illustrations, clippings of pictorial matter, etc., and is often used in a generic sense when a more specific word is inappropriate. An image database is a searchable collection of pictures, photographs, and/or art images in digital format, available for use free-of-charge or upon payment of a fee, usually by licensing agreement. Artstor and Britannica ImageQuest are examples of subscription image databases.

Artwork: A general term used in publishing and printing to refer to illustration originals in any medium, as opposed to reproductions of art originals. Such works may have artistic and monetary value independent of the publication for which they were created.

Databases with images and/or artwork:  Ancestry K12, Artstor on JSTOR, Britannica ImageQuest, Churchill Archive, Fine Arts (Gale OneFile), Fold3, Gale eBooks, Gale Health and Wellness, Gale in Context: College, Gale in Context: High School, Gale in Context: Middle School, Gale Power Search, Gallica, Global Plants, JSTOR Understanding Series: Shakespeare, News (Gale OneFile), Science (Gale in Context), Semantic Scholar, Timelines, World Book Advanced, World Book Discover, World Book Student.


Map, by Freepik, on Flaticon.comMap:  Any two-dimensional graphic representation of the physical features (natural or man-made) of all or a portion of the surface of the earth or another celestial body, the heavens, or an imaginary geographic area, normally done to scale on a flat medium using a specified projection, with an indication of orientation, but increasingly in digital form.

Databases with maps: Churchill Archive, Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos, Gallica, Learn360, World Book Advanced, World Book Discover, World Book Student.


News, by Freepik, on Flaticon.comNewsmagazine:  A general interest magazine devoted to the publication of news and editorial comment, usually on a wide range of subjects, from politics to entertainment (examples: U.S. News & World Report and Maclean's in Canada). Most newsmagazines are published weekly and sold at newsstands, in bookstores, and by subscription. Some are available in an online version (examples: Bloomberg Businessweek and Time Online Edition)

Newspaper:  A serial publication, usually printed on newsprint and issued daily, on certain days of the week, or weekly, containing news, editorial comment, regular columns, letters to the editor, cartoons, advertising, and other items of current and often local interest to a general readership.

News story:  An article published in a newspaper, newsmagazine, or online news service, reporting the details of a current event or the latest information on a topic of general interest. News stories are usually short and often unattributed.

Databases with news:  All the Gale databases except Gale eBooks, Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos, Gallica,, The Seattle Times, World Book Advanced, and World Book Student.

Primary Sources

Writing, by Freepik, on Flaticon.comPrimary source:  In scholarship, a document or record containing firsthand information or original data on a topic, used in preparing a derivative work. Primary sources include original manuscripts, periodical articles reporting original research or thought, diaries, memoirs, letters, journals, photographs, drawings, posters, film footage, sheet music, songs, interviews, government documents, public records, eyewitness accounts, newspaper clippings, etc.

Databases with Primary sources:  Academic OneFile, Ancestry K12, Artstor on JSTOR, Black Freedom Struggle in the United States: A Selection of Primary Sources, Britannica ImageQuest, Churchill Archive, Digital Theatre Plus, Exploring Race in Society, Fold3, Gale eBooks, Gale in Context: College, Gale in Context: High School, Gale in Context: Middle School, Gale Literature, Gale Literature Criticism, Gale Literature: LitFinder, Gale Power Search, Global Plants, Gun Regulation and Legislation in America, JSTOR, The JSTOR Understanding Series, Learn360, LGBTQ+ Rights, Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture, & Law, The Seattle Times, World Book Advanced, and several of the Gale OneFile databases (Pop Culture Studies, Popular Magazines, Religion and Philosophy, U.S. History, Vocations and Careers, War and Terrorism, and World History).


Study, by Freepik, on Flaticon.comReference book:  A book designed to be consulted when authoritative information is needed, rather than read cover to cover. Reference books often consist of a series of signed or unsigned "entries" listed alphabetically under headwords or headings, or in some other arrangement (classified, numeric, etc.). The category includes almanacs, atlases, bibliographies, biographical sources, catalogs, concordances, dictionaries, directories, discographies and filmographies, encyclopedias, glossaries, handbooks, indexes, manuals, research guides, union lists, yearbooks, etc., whether published commercially or as government documents. Long reference works may be issued in multivolume sets, with any indexes in the last volume.

Databases with Reference Material:  Culinary Arts (Gale OneFile), EBSCO eBook Academic Collection, Educator's Reference Complete (Gale OneFile), Environmental Studies and Policy (Gale Onefile), Gale eBooks, Gale Health and Wellness, Gale in Context: Middle School, Gale Power Search, Global Plants, World Book Advanced, World Book Discover, and World Book Students.


Multimedia, by Freepik, on Flaticon.comSome of West Sound Academy's databases offer streaming video, video on demand or embedded video clips.

Streaming video: A method of sending a sequence of compressed moving images one way over a data network, at the user's request or broadcast at a fixed time, which allows viewing to begin before the entire file has been transmitted. To counteract any delays caused by packet switching and maintain the impression of continuous motion, a buffer on the client computer is used to store a few seconds of video before it is displayed on the screen. Unlike video that is downloaded for subsequent playback, streaming video is stored as a temporary file and deleted when the application used to view it is closed. Videoconferencing differs from streaming video in providing two-way transmission in real time.

Video on demand: A service that allows video content to be searched, selected, and viewed as desired (rather than pre-programmed), either by streaming for viewing in real time or by downloading digitally from a remote server to an external device such as a personal computer for viewing at any time.

Video clip: A short section of a longer filmed work, used in a broadcast or incorporated into another work such as a Web page, usually to give the viewer a brief impression of the whole.

Databases with video: Britannica ImageQuest, Churchill Archive, Criminal Justice (Gale OneFile), Digital Theatre Plus, Drama Online, Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos, Gale Health and Wellness, Gale in Context: College, Gale in Context: High School, Gale in Context: Middle School, Gale Power Search, Learn360, MASSOLIT, News (Gale OneFile), Science (Gale in Context), Timelines, World Book Discover, World Book Student, and Yabla French. 


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